Taking advantage of OpenAPI for API Design reviews
By Arnaud Lauret, September 28, 2021
After my first recorded live demo session, here comes my first non recorded actually live session in which I show how I take advantage of the OpenAPI Specification during API design reviews. Note that I experienced some technical issues during this session, you’ll find the story in my “Barely surviving my first live (non recorded) demo session” post.
Doing an API design review requires investigating why an API is created, what it is supposed to do and how it looks. It requires understanding the context and the needs. It requires global observation but also attention to every detail to keep an overall consistency and track any error or typo. That’s definitely not an easy task. While no tool will ever do all the job for you, while no tool will tell you right out of the box if an API is the good one and the best in class, you can still take advantage of the OpenAPI Specification to give you a hand doing so.
During this live API design review demo session, Arnaud Lauret will share some of the tools and techniques taking advantage of OpenAPI that he has discovered/invented/used (and is still enhancing) doing hundreds of API design reviews (including OpenAPI data extraction, JQ, Spectral … and spreadsheets. You may also incidentally learn some API design principles in the process.