
Document-API-topia (API Days Paris 2015)

By Arnaud Lauret, December 8, 2015

I gave a Star Wars themed talk with a lightsaber about my new passion, documentation, at API Days Paris 2015.

Yes, a talk about D-O-C-U-M-E-N-T-A-T-I-O-N. Yes, a S-T-A-R W-A-R-S themed talk. Yes, I gave this talk holding a L-I-G-H-T-S-A-B-E-R.


Starting a Swagger journey beyond generated Swagger UI

By Arnaud Lauret, October 7, 2015

When watching a movie, have you ever noticed how characters interact with computers? If someone wants to destroy a computer, what does he or she smash?
The computer’s screen…


A quest for simplicity (API Days London 2015)

By Arnaud Lauret, September 23, 2015

A ROAST API is a SOAP API made by people who have vaguely heard of REST API

Right after REST Fest, I had the honor to give my first keynote at the first edition of API Days London in September 2015.

Join me in a quest for simplicity from an imaginary bank’s IS depth to its API’s heights.


Don't mess with hypermedia controls (REST Fest 2015)

By Arnaud Lauret, September 18, 2015

I had the pleasure to participate to REST Fest 2015, here are my 5 in 5 video and slide deck about hypermedia controls. If you can attend only one API conference, this is the one.


Interview with an API Handyman

By Arnaud Lauret, September 3, 2015

Read How to Provide APIs With an Existing Information System on Nordic APIs blog

By Arnaud Lauret, August 4, 2015

If you want to know why an existing IS is not a good API, you should read my last post on Nordic APIs blog How to Provide APIs With an Existing Information System.


Read Should Every Company Consider Providing an API? on Nordic APIs blog

By Arnaud Lauret, June 10, 2015

My other self Arnaud Lauret writes about APIs too. This week you can read Should Every Company Consider Providing an API? on Nordic APIs blog.


Do you really know why you prefer REST over RPC?

By Arnaud Lauret, May 10, 2015

A few weeks ago I’ve seen an interesting flock of tweets initiated by this question:

This question and the tweets that followed put my brain on quite an animated discussion…


The data, the hypermedia and the documentation

By Arnaud Lauret, April 24, 2015

When I look at hypermedia media-types and API definition languages I feel that the frontier between data and documentation is becoming thinner as my knowledge of the API world grows and as the API world evolves.


The API crash test project

By Arnaud Lauret, April 5, 2015

As I was writing my HAMM and ways of API smartness posts, I wanted more. As I was discussing with smart people about APIs, I wanted ever more. I want to delve deeply into the API ways.

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