Visual Studio Code
Whenever I need to wrote code, I write it with Visual Studio Code. This blog and my live coding presentations are powered by VS Code. To be honest, I was quite dubious at first. But now I can’t do without this ultra flexible and customizable code editor with thousands of extensions.
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Barely surviving my first live (non recorded) demo session
By Arnaud Lauret, September 29, 2021
Yesterday, I live demoed how I take advantage of the OpenAPI Specification during an API Design review at the API Specification Conference. This session was really live, not recorded like my previous one, and that didn’t totally went well. Though I was quite happy to discover new tricks, I had problems preparing this session and worse I also had problems giving it. Nothing that terrible hopefully, but still terribly annoying and stressful. I need a cathartic post to talk about all that.
Surviving my first (recorded) live coding session Series - Part 5
Improving live coding session tuning and rehearsing with VS Code
By Arnaud Lauret, September 1, 2021
Fifth and last post about my first ever (recorded) live coding session given at the Manning API Conference. Thanks to all the work done, I had a good setup, great visual style, titles over VS Code, speaker’s notes and was able to code at light speed. But I was hesitant and not fast enough when presenting, I needed to train myself and fine tune, optimize or remove content to make things smooth and keep in given time frame. And once again VS Code went to the rescue.
Surviving my first (recorded) live coding session Series - Part 4
Live coding at light speed with VS Code
By Arnaud Lauret, August 25, 2021
This is the fourth post about my first ever (recorded) live coding session given at the Manning API conference. In this series second post, I listed some problems I encountered and started to solve them in previous post. But there are other problems to solve, one of them was that I was not coding and using VS Code fast enough. In this post, I’ll show you how I solved that using a few VS Code tricks, the most important one being: the absolutely rad custom code snippet feature.
Surviving my first (recorded) live coding session Series - Part 3
Slide deck like live coding with titles and speaker's notes using OBS and VS Code
By Arnaud Lauret, August 18, 2021
Third post about my first ever (recorded) live coding session given at the Manning API conference. In previous post, I encountered various problems. Two of them were related to not delivering the session like one of my regular slide deck presentation. I wanted to add titles and have speaker’s notes. In this post, I’ll show you how I solved those two problems with OBS, VS Code and a little bit of magic.
Surviving my first (recorded) live coding session Series - Part 2
Preparing session content and realizing it's not working well
By Arnaud Lauret, August 11, 2021
Second post about my first ever (recorded) live coding session. So, here I was in my previous post: ready to record myself coding and talking without any slides… But I didn’t told the whole story, I actually struggled a lot before actually being able to record myself coding and talking. In the beginning, I had planned to do far more stuff and differently than what people had seen. In this post, I’ll talk about how I prepared content and realized that it was not working well.
Surviving my first (recorded) live coding session Series - Part 1
Setting up everything to record myself coding and talking
By Arnaud Lauret, August 4, 2021
I did my first ever (recorded) live coding session at the Manning API conference. During 30 minutes I talked and coded … without any slides; that was totally new to me. While it started well, preparing and recording this session turned out to be quite complicated. At some moment, I was totally desperate and I thought I wasn’t going to make it. But I did it and learned a lot of stuff that deserves to be shared. In this first post, I’ll talk about how “it started well”: setting up OBS, mic, cam and VS Code to record myself speaking and coding.
Supercharge OpenAPI to efficiently describe APIs
By Arnaud Lauret, August 3, 2021
If you want to discover the OpenAPI Specification format, this video is for you! In my first ever (recorded) live coding session, given at the 2021 Manning API Conference, I demonstrate basic, advanced, and even hidden features that will help you to efficiently create complete, accurate, and maintainable API descriptions when designing documenting APIs.